Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Alcohol Prohibition in the United Sates - 1849 Words
On January 16, 1920 many Americans felt that their voices had finally been heard. Their hard fought war was over. They had finally sent John Barleycorn to the grave. They believed the United States could now escape poverty and families could prosper. On January 16, 1920 the 18th amendment went into effect. The 18th amendment was the prohibition of any intoxicating liquor. Many celebrated what they called the death of John Barleycorn, a fictional character representing alcohol. The future looked bright for America now that alcohol would not be there to destroy families. The outcome proved otherwise as it was unsuccessful and had a negative impact on society. To what extent did prohibition hurt society? There is much evidence that supports that prohibition was repression that led to rebellion and negatively affected society. The prohibition proved to increase crime and threaten American freedom. Abraham Lincoln once stated, â€Å"Prohibition... goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a mans appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes... A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.†During the mid-1800s, alcohol was a normal part of American life. It was so common that people were often paid in both money and alcohol. A doctor name Dio Lewis wanted to change people’s view on alcohol. He had been hurt from his father’s alcoholism and did not want others to suffer as heShow MoreRelatedThe Legal Drinking Age Should Be Lowered From The Age Of 21 Essay980 Words  | 4 Pagestheir own decisions? The drinking age on alcohol is a controversial social and cultural issue in today’s society; all fifty states have a minimum drinking age of 21. 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This drive towards prohibition started during the mid-19th Century. It all started during the Temperance Movement, when proponents voluntarily abs tained from alcohol. This abstention was due
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